Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome Back!

2016! I can’t believe it! As we transition back to school mode, we are reviewing letters and sight words this week. We have also been learning about the four seasons and the weather. I don’t think I’ve ever taught weather during a week that we actually had some interesting weather! Here are some videos to play at home to reinforce the letters (most important) and some fun songs about the seasons and the weather. Enjoy!

Please play this song and have your child sing along... especially during the sounds part at the end. Just a reminder, the letters we have done are: a, c, d, g, i, m n, p, r, s, and t. Your child should recognize the letter, be able to tell you the sound and tell you items that start with those letters :)

Here are two fun seasons songs:

We also learned about the weather and the kids LOVED this song:

Today we made weather wheels (like Kali’s above), which I hope you will continue to use once they go home on Friday. During class today, we looked at the weather forecast and did a fun interactive lesson on our Smart Board. 

http://kidsweatherreport.com is a great kid-friendly weather website. We also looked at the 10 day forecast on the Weather Channel website as well as looked at the webcams at Mammoth Mountain! I explained how when it is raining here it is usually snowing in the mountains. That and I think I missed not going over winter break! 

Enjoy the WEATHER and stay warm! :)

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