Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy Feet!

We spent last week learning all about PENGUINS!
We labeled penguins.
Brainstormed what we already knew, what we wanted to learn and what we did learn about penguins! SO MANY FACTS!
We wrote about penguins...
Hard at work!
Check out those finger spaces! Good job!
Miss Holcomb, our CLU student, working with Waylon.

Of course with any theme, we incorporate all of the subject areas. Here we have penguin math! Those penguins sure were hungry!
Then we did a fun penguin relay! This was hilarious and SO much fun!
Avery waddling!
Cheering section!
Go, Siena, Go!
Penguin Carson!
You can do it, Cody!
Neck and neck!

And, of course, after filling up our class Lego jar, we watched a little bit of Happy Feet! 

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