Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Dear Room 1 Families,
I hope you all had a great winter break! I got to relax, sleep until 10 AM, and hold my best friend’s baby! I spent Christmas with my family here in Thousand Oaks and had a relaxing New Year’s Day watching football. 
We are finally starting to get back into the swing of things in Room 1! This is my favorite time of the year when the kids start to really soar with their reading and writing! 
I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for all of the generous gifts you gave me for the holidays! I enjoyed many of the sweets (probably gained a few pounds) and got to use some of the gift cards over the break! I especially loved the class gift from all of the families, a fun holiday basket full of special goodies put together by our great Room Mom, Beth Kizito! In the basket was a gift card to the restaurant Public School House 805 (because as Beth said, “Teachers need an education too”), a gift card to the movies (to see Star Wars, of course!), some beautiful Stella & Dot jewelry, an umbrella (for El Nino J) and even some doggy treats for Trigger & Kimber!
Thank you for being such a great group of supportive parents with wonderful children! I am looking forward to the second half of the year (yahoo!).

Mrs. Roll

Oh, and I wanted to share our Christmas card with you all! We hope you all had a great holiday!

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