Monday, March 14, 2016

Transportation Unit

We just concluded our Transportation Unit. We spent the last few weeks learning about different modes of transportation including planes, trains, cars, boats, and buses. For each kind of transportation, the students wrote in their transportation journals. Here are some snapshots of our last few weeks.

The students wrote about planes in their journals...

We even made our own airplanes that are currently flying around Room 1!

Learning about trains takes me back to my childhood of going out to the Tehachapi loop and watching trains go by. I’d actually take out a clipboard and record how many locomotives there were, how many freight cars and would even track what time the train passed by at.

These “Trains Go” landscapes are gorgeous!

Beep beep!
The kids made their own cars and wrote where they car could go.

...Because what Kindergartner’s car doesn’t go to Disneyland to see Elsa?!

During our time learning about cars, I read this fun book about a very imaginative boy who dreams up his own car.... Complete with a pool and snack machine! So naturally, we had to journal about our own dream cars!

“My dream car would have a garden and a snack bar.”

“My dream car would have a candy machine and a pool.”

“My dream car would have a movie theater and a popcorn maker.”

We also wrote about cars in our journals: 
“We have a big car. Cars have engines. Cars have seat belts.”

A new addition this year and I LOVE it --- license plates! My mom at the AAA would be so proud!

We listened to the nursery rhyme the wheels on the bus and made our own class book. You can’t read the next few bus pages --- you have to sing them!



Then we wrote facts about buses. 
“They are on the bus. Buses can go on electricity. Buses are yellow.”

“They are on the bus. Buses can pick up people. Buses have engines. Buses can be different colors.”

Finally, we ended our unit with boats. I didn’t get a chance to take pictures, but the kids did some predicting of whether they thought objects would sink or float and they even made their own tin foil boats that held upwards of 50 pennies!
These directed draw sailboats came out BEAUTIFULLY! I am so impressed with their listening to directions and watercoloring skills.

"Where can the boat go? Boats can float. Boats were invented 1000 years ago.”

And last but certainly not least, we concluded our unit with the sharing of our transportation vehicle projects. Prepare for cuteness OVERLOAD!

And, of course, a silly one!

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