Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mrs. Roll's LEAST Favorite Topic Made Fun!

Spiders... Ugh! At the sight of them I cringe. The thought of them... Well that makes for many nightmares. When I read a Spider book, I avoid looking at the pictures. Needless to say, while teaching about my least favorite topic, I still had to make it fun!
Yesterday, we graphed who had arachnophobia and who did not. 16 students are not afraid of spiders while 5 students (and one adult) are. 
Today, we made a spider web across the carpet. Each student pretended they were a spider as they tossed a ball of yarn to another student that correctly read a sight word. Once the yarn left their hand, they held on to a piece of the web mimicking how a spider hooks his web on to branches and even houses (yuck!). 
While spiders are creepy isn't this web so cool?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Late Notice, Sorry! Mystery Letter A

Letter A visited today! Hopefully "Ah-Ah-Choo" didn't bring any real cold symptoms to class!!

Sorry for the late post. Mystery bags can come in any time this week. We will also be doing letter A next week, just with the long A sound (ex: long a in ape vs. short a in apple).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Five Little Pumpkins

For the past two weeks, the students in Room 1 have been practicing for some special performances of their song, "Five Little Pumpkins". Earlier this week, we performed for Mrs. Steven's 1st grade class. On Friday, we were very excited to share our performance with Mrs. Gavin's Kindergarten class. Room 18 loved it and we hope you do too!
Every student had an important role in our performance. We had 5 pumpkins, bats, a light that goes out, and wind! 
Here are the lyrics to the song if you want to sing it at home:

Clap Along If You're Doing PE!!!

On Friday, the students of Room 1 filled their "Lego Jar"! As a celebration, we went on to www.gonoodle.com, a website filled with exercise and brain break videos. We ran a 100 Meter race and danced to the tricky choreographed hit song "Happy". We were HAPPY that we filled our Lego Jar!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Nail Polish, Notes, Noisy Nose!

Letter N "Noisy Nose" came to visit Room 1! We practiced writing upper and lower case N's with coloring, on the iPad, using chalk, and writing them in our Handwriting Without Tears books. Writing rotations are so much fun!
Beautiful upper and lower case N's, Sophie!

Here is the letter N video to practice at home and get some creative ideas for Dictionaries.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mystery Letter.... R!

Sneaky "Ripping Rubber Bands" came to visit our class and left a bag full of a ruler, a rectangle, a rose, a rubber band, and even my remote control to the ENO board! We had fun singing this song today. I hope you will have fun listening and dancing it to it at home.
Please don't forget to bring your letter R mystery bags tomorrow so we can use the items as inspiration for our Dictionaries.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Acting Out Stories With Bears

"3 bears went to the park. Oh no, one of them has to go home. How many bears are still at the park?"

During our afternoon math time, the students of Room 1 made up their own stories about our bear manipulatives. I ran to get the iPad to capture this moment of them enthralling their partner with a creative story about bears going to places like Legoland, the playground, or to the movies. They had to add more bears and take some away. I wonder if they even know that through all of the fun that they were doing addition and subtraction?!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

5 Senses

The students are exploring their five senses in some very interactive centers this week. 
For touch, they are making touch hands and writing their sight words in shaving cream (so fun!). 
For taste, the kids are tasting many different bitter, sweet, sour and salty foods. My favorite is always the sweet one.
For hearing and smelling, the kids are working with Mrs. Dinardo to guess what foods they are smelling in a covered cup with a small hole. This is very tricky to guess what the food is just by smell. I don't think the garlic is anyone's favorite smell. They are also listening to animal sounds and sounding out their own spooky Halloween sounds.
Here is a glimpse of the SIGHT center going on a walk around campus to use their sense of sight to see the many things on our campus.
The chicken coop is by far the coolest thing on our campus... Except for maybe Mr. LaGuardia's music classroom!
The Red Circles LOVED their "sight walk"! 
Hmmmm... What could be over by the upper grade pod?
Great job sounding out your words, Red Circles!